Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rokeach Values Survey

(Rokeach, M. (1973). The Nature of Human Values. New York: Free Press.)
On the following page are two lists of values, each in alphabetical order. Each value is accompanied by a short description and a blank space. Your goal is to rank each value in its order of importance to you for each of the two lists. Study each list and think of how much each value may act as a guiding principle in your life.
To begin, select the value that is of most importance to you. Write the number 1 in the blank space next to that value. Next, choose the value is of second in importance to you and write the number 2 in the blank next to it. Work your way through the list until you have ranked all 18 values on this page.
Rank the two lists of values separately. That is, after you have finished ranking the
first list of 18 values, rank the second list of 18 values in the same way.
When ranking, take your time and think carefully. Feel free to go back and change your order should you have second thoughts about any of your answers. When you have
completed the ranking of both sets of values, the result should represent an accurate
picture of how you really feel about what’s important in your life.
A Comfortable Life _____
a prosperous life
Equality _____
brotherhood and equal opportunity for all
An Exciting Life _____
a stimulating, active life
Family Security _____
taking care of loved ones
Freedom _____
independence and free choice
Health _____
physical and mental well-being
Inner Harmony _____
freedom from inner conflict
Mature Love _____
sexual and spiritual intimacy
National Security _____
protection from attack
Pleasure _____
an enjoyable, leisurely life
Salvation _____
saved; eternal life
Self-Respect _____
A Sense of Accomplishment _____
a lasting contribution
Social Recognition _____
respect and admiration
True Friendship _____
close companionship
Wisdom _____
a mature understanding of life
A World at Peace _____
a world free of war and conflict
A World of Beauty _____
beauty of nature and the arts

Ambitious _____
hardworking and aspiring
Broad-minded _____
Capable _____
competent; effective
Clean _____
neat and tidy
Courageous _____
standing up for your beliefs
Forgiving _____
willing to pardon others
Helpful _____
working for the welfare of others
Honest _____
sincere and truthful
Imaginative _____
daring and creative
Independent _____
self-reliant; self-sufficient
Intellectual _____
intelligent and reflective
Logical _____
consistent; rational
Loving _____
affectionate and tender
Loyal _____
faithful to friends or the group
Obedient _____
dutiful; respectful
Polite _____
courteous and well-mannered
Responsible _____
dependable and reliable
Self-controlled _____
restrained; self-disciplined